Welcome Back to Warner-Carrillo Ranch House!
May/June 2021
 Photo by Sandé Lollis |
The Warner-Carrillo Ranch House in Warner Springs is once again open on Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4pm. Much happened inside and outside the house, making the site's multilayered history a rich record of family life, ranching, the hopes of thousands of settlers traversing the Emigrant Trail, and a busy Butterfield Stage stop.
We are reopening the old ranch house doors May 1 and 2 for tours. The adobe house, built in 1857, and its gift shop were greatly enhanced over the past 14 months while this historic resource was totally closed. We're eager to share with you new additions to our interpretive program by way of period furnishings and textiles, books, and floor coverings. The idea is to bring visitors closer to the families, peoples, and cowboys who worked the ranch until 1957, through historic household items and exhibits. Find details and photos HERE.
Visit our newest online exhibit HERE.
For your safety, we will allow up to six visitors in the house at a time, and all must wear masks. Thank you for understanding and helping us to keep everyone safe.