The Mayor's HRB Leadership Shake-Up and New Appointees
May/June 2017
By A. Hayes
 Cindy Stankowski |
 Diana Reynolds-Cordileone |
The March 23 meeting of the City of San Diego's Historical Resources Board (HRB) had a few surprises in store for the public and some board members that were delivered via Mayor Faulconer's unexpected memo the night before. The memo named a new chair, David McCullough, a relative newcomer to the board and the field of historic preservation. It also identified two new appointees, Diana Reynolds-Cordileone and Cindy Stankowski, both subject to City Council confirmation. The memo also proposed to reappoint several members including Richard (Tom) Larimer, whose confirmation was denied by the council in July 2016.
With McCullough assuming his position immediately (as council confirmation of the chair is not required), there was much public concern that a Brown Act violation had occurred due to agenda item 5, "Vote of Confidence and Support for Chair Coyle."
At the February HRB meeting, McCullough was in favor of this item in support of then-Chair Courtney Ann Coyle. This fact plus Coyle's extensive experience in historic preservation and public service on similar boards casts suspicion on the mayor's unexplained, dismaying decision to remove her. The board modified item 5 at the March meeting to a "Vote of Appreciation for Service of Coyle," but the item was not formally withdrawn. Item 6, to choose a vice chair and second vice chair, had also been facilitated by the mayor. The vice chair is now Timothy Hutter, who is vice chair of the Building Industry Association (BIA), and Coyle is now second vice chair.
On April 18, the City Council unanimously approved the appointments of Reynolds-Cordileone and Stankowski, and the reappointments of Chair McCullough, Amy Strider-Harleman, and Todd Pitman.
Councilmember Chris Ward made the motion to approve the five board members other than Larimer, and asked the council president and city attorney to look into Charter Section 43C regarding the removal of a board member. Councilmember Georgette Gomez echoed Ward's concern that allowing unconfirmed members to continue to serve appears to be a violation of the City Charter (the highest city regulatory document), which conflicts with the Municipal Code's language. SOHO looks forward to clarification from the city attorney on this matter as it could impact several previous HRB decisions where only a quorum of six members were present.
Congratulations to the new HRB members, Diana Reynolds-Cordileone and Cindy Stankowski, as well as those who were reappointed, David McCullough, Amy Strider-Harleman and Todd Pitman. SOHO greatly appreciates your time and dedication to the preservation community!