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Preservation Law Approaches 50
May 2016
By Amie K. Hayes

The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) is the nation's farthest-reaching preservation legislation and the culmination of more than 100 years of collective effort to protect America's historic resources. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, the Mount Vernon Ladies Association prevented the demolition of Mount Vernon, George Washington's child and adulthood home. The National Park Service was founded in1916, followed by the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) program in 1933. Another benchmark occurred in 1947, when preservationists lobbied for legislation to create and enable the National Trust for Historic Preservation to provide leadership.

The National Historic Preservation Act finally came to fruition in 1966 to help educate the American people about the value of historic buildings and sites, as noted in the legislation. This groundbreaking act formally established the National Register of Historic Places program, introduced state historic preservation offices (SHPO), and established the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (ACHP) to counsel the President and Congress when preservation matters arise.

The Preservation Act will turn 50 in October and, to help commemorate this milestone and guide preservation for the future, the Advisory Council has been gathering a wide range of public comment. This effort includes partnering in the large national coalition called Preservation50, and a press release to initiate public discussion called The National Historic Preservation Program at 50: Challenges and Opportunities. To support this important undertaking, SOHO submitted comments that encourage changing outdated or unenforceable regulations and heavily investing in the next generation of preservationists.

SOHO has a unique and fortunate relationship with the Advisory Council; the Chairman is Milford Wayne Donaldson, a longtime SOHO member who currently serves on our Board of Directors. Stay tuned for the NHPA anniversary celebration in October, when the Advisory Council will share what they have learned from the preservation community and provide focused direction for the next 50 years of preservation.













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