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Help Restore the Hoover Barn
April 2016

The Santa Ysabel Store and Hoover Barn are SOHO's first acquisitions since the early 1970s, when we bought and saved the Villa Montezuma. That says a lot about the significance of these rural treasures. We encourage lovers of San Diego history to consider assisting with the barn's $100,000 purchase and restoration costs. Individual contributions are welcome for this unique project in its natural setting.

While the barn is structurally sound now, there is so much more to do! If you would like to come to the aid of a classic barn that's been in use for more than a century your donation will go 100% directly into restoration.

The sooner we get her completed the sooner you can join us for an opening party at the barn! Donors will be publically acknowledged at the opening in a printed program. Thank you again for helping SOHO save San Diego's heritage!

Also, we are honored to receive contributions in memory of a loved one. Losing someone is one of life's most difficult experiences. Often there is a desire to recognize and celebrate the life of that person in a way that is fitting and meaningful. Donating to SOHO is one way to make a lasting tribute in honor of a loved one and their passion for historic preservation, by helping to continue the work of protecting and preserving the historic resources of San Diego County through funding SOHO's work.

When you make a gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one, we will send the honoree or the family of the memorialized person a card notifying them of your gift.

ONLINE Donation Form













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