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Urgent Call to Action
Defend Historic Preservation in San Diego and the Mills Act

March/April 2024

Your opinion and your voice matter.

Write in NOW at, and let the city know in advance that you support historic preservation.

Your voice is crucial right NOW in preserving the rich history and character of our beloved city. In the upcoming months, the City of San Diego is poised to undergo a significant overhaul of its historic preservation program.

Recently a missive from the mayor’s office in the form of an initiative to “modernize historic property regulations to preserve important places and streamline new home construction” was sent out as a press release.

The mayor and city council are advocating for reforms based on promoting new home construction and not historic preservation.

It is essential to dispel the misconception that historic preservation and development are inherently conflicting. In reality, historic preservation impacts only a small fraction of development projects, and importantly it plays a vital role in maintaining the unique identity of our city and its neighborhoods.

The proposed reform, which is being driven by what the development industry wants to see, poses a significant and imminent threat to historic preservation in San Diego.

There is a genuine risk of transforming our city into a landscape dominated by subpar architecture and 400-square-foot cubicle apartments, all offered at market or luxury rates.

Let's be 100% clear: The powers that be that are working so hard to clear the decks for the development industry are not building affordable housing. They are building market rate and luxury with a bone thrown in here and there of an affordable unit or two. This approach jeopardizes affordable housing in our historic neighborhoods, eroding San Diego's appeal. Massive new development in older neighborhoods often tears down the existing Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing in the form of vintage homes, bungalow courts, and small apartments. Our historic sites are vital to the community's heart and the region's economy. Preserving their affordability is crucial for sustaining the vibrant living environment that defines San Diego.

We cannot let short-sighted decisions directed by a profit-driven development industry and career motivated politicians compromise the integrity of our city's ordinance. It is crucial for every resident to voice their concerns and stand against the potential degradation of our neighborhoods.

Take action NOW by expressing your thoughts to the city council and mayor. Send your Comments and Questions by email to Subject: Preservation Progress

Sample Points

  • The preservation ordinance needs to be strengthened requiring developers to preserve historic resources as part of their projects. Historic preservation impacts only a small fraction of development projects, and importantly it plays a vital role in maintaining the unique identity of our city and its neighborhoods.

  • Reusing existing structures can be environmentally sustainable, reducing the need for extensive new construction and resource consumption. The proposed reforms cannot prioritize the interests of the development industry over those of the community and our climate.

  • Historic preservation ensures that our city retains its unique identity and character, contributing to a sense of community and cultural heritage. Contrary to misconceptions, historic preservation only affects a small portion of development projects, allowing for responsible growth while safeguarding significant landmarks.

  • By advocating for strong historic preservation measures, we can protect the availability of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) and maintain socioeconomic diversity within our communities.

  • Preservation and development can coexist harmoniously, with thoughtful planning and cooperation. By supporting historic preservation efforts, we promote sustainable development practices that enhance, rather than diminish, the character of our neighborhoods.

  • Historic sites are not only cultural assets but also economic drivers. They contribute to tourism, job creation, and property values. By defending historic preservation policies, we ensure continued economic vitality for San Diego and its residents.

Plan to attend public hearings via Zoom or in person, submit comments, and make your voice heard loud and clear. Together, we can ensure that San Diego's collective history is preserved for future generations.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and let your voice be a powerful force in shaping the future of our city.













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