Senate Bills 9 and 10 - Implementation Alert and Update
March/April 2022
 Transit priority areas, a large portion of San Diego, are where the city wants to see more housing built to encourage use of public transit. Courtesy City of San Diego |
Signed into law by Governor Newsom in September 2021, Senate Bills 9 and 10 are going to negatively impact San Diego’s character, sense of place, and overall identity. SOHO shared our significant concerns about these housing bills with San Diegans and elected officials last year, before the laws were enacted, but to no avail.
Now in 2022, Senate Bill 9, which eradicates single-family zoning through the subdivision of lots, is in effect and its community-altering ramifications are starting to become visible in every neighborhood. Due to SOHO’s efforts as part of a statewide coalition of preservation groups led by the California Preservation Foundation, SB9 fortunately includes exemptions for historical resources and districts. Also known as the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act, implementation of SB 9 was opposed by many in early February when it was approved by the San Diego City Council as part of the Housing for Us All Action Package. Thankfully, there is some silver lining: Under SB 9 owners and developers may not demolish or alter subsidized affordable units, single-room occupancy hotels, or units occupied by a tenant within the last three years, and there is a three-year owner occupancy requirement if a second unit is constructed on one of the subdivided lots.
However, in January we learned from Mayor Gloria’s State of the City Address that San Diego will opt in to Senate Bill 10. This is even worse for our city’s character and sense of place because it has no protections for historical resources, circumvents the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and enables up to ten units on any parcel within a half-mile of a major transit stop or urban infill site (click on Transit Priority Areas map to the right to view larger). SOHO, along with many San Diegans, awaits with trepidation the implementation details of SB 10, whose Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior ADUs are not part of the 10-unit allowance.
SOHO continues to monitor and advocate on these issues but we need your help. Please contact your state representative, Mayor Gloria, and your City of San Diego councilmember immediately to continue opposing the community-altering impacts of SB 9 and SB 10 before these take hold. Find your representatives HERE. Thank you for amplifying our protests with your voice.