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Celebrating Irving J. Gill's 150th Birthday
March/April 2020

One of the glass slide presented in the exhibit. Thomas Hamilton/Mary Fulford House, 1908

SOHO is saluting one of San Diego's most important architects on the sesquicentennial of his birth in 1870 with a series of talks, and the launch of our digital initiatives program with the production of an online presentation of two of the exhibits that were originally part of the Marston House Museum's 2016 exhibition Irving Gill: Progress & Poetry in Architecture.

The exhibits present rare and fragile documentary materials: one of long-lost glass slides of the architect's San Diego buildings when they were new, and the other, an array of historic postcards featuring Gill's architecture, often uncredited, from the largest such collection known to exist.

Offering these rare Gill resources online today means they are now globally accessible to Gill lovers, architects and architecture students, scholars, and others, while greatly extending the reach of SOHO's educational mission. See the exhibit HERE.

The still-influential Gill, who went by Jack, pioneered a pristine cubist form of modernism partly derived from the rhythmic arcades, unadorned walls, and garden "rooms" of the California missions. During the early 20th century, his San Diego clientele hired him for his experimental, highly livable homes, churches, civic buildings, and other structures. Of his own volition, Gill also designed and built several affordable workers cottages, and even moved in to test and improve them.

There is much to learn from Irving Gill and we hope you'll join SOHO for lectures on Gill's work in our third year of Terrace Talks at the Marston House—lively conversations among preservationists, historians, and the audience—beginning with historian and SOHO member Allen A. Hazard on April 22, with more dates and programs in May, June, and October, to be announced. Held on the mansion's south terrace, off the living room and dining room, guests enjoy Gill's indoor-outdoor sensibility and his love of fresh air and sunshine.

In addition, our friends at the La Jolla Historical Society will host a free talk by James B. Guthrie, president and founder of the San Diego-based Irving J. Gill Foundation. He'll discuss the architect's work in La Jolla and its influence on modern architecture on March 19 from 7 to 8:30pm. Seating is limited; RSVP HERE.

Happy 150th Birthday, Jack!













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