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Push for Amendments to Fast-Track National Register Historic Districts
in San Diego

January/February 2024

Photo of the view down Seventh Avenue reveals historic buildings included in the district as well as new construction.

Mission Hills Heritage has repeatedly addressed the City of San Diego Historical Resources Board urging them to ease a pathway for adding National Register Historic Districts in San Diego to the local historic register. In December 2021, the group successfully listed Inspiration Heights as a National Register Historic District, the first of its kind in San Diego.

Naturally, MHH then wanted the neighborhood placed on the city’s historic register, so in January 2022, they submitted their National Register nomination report for HRB consideration. After national designation, a new report is not required for state or local recognition.

Since then, City staff has not moved the nomination forward, for reasons you can read about online. So MHH proactively drafted amendments to facilitate this process and gave them to the HRB and city staff in July 2023.

Read MHH’s cover letter to the HRB and staff and their proposed amendments.

At last, the HRB’s Policy Subcommittee is expected to discuss the matter at its February 12, 2024 meeting from 3 to 4pm. The meeting location is to be determined, but most likely will be in the 3rd floor conference room, City Operations Building, 1222 First Avenue, San Diego. The room may not be announced until 72 hours before the meeting. Please see below for more info.

Mission Hills Heritage plans to urge the five subcommittee members to recommend the amendments to the full HRB for adoption.

Please support this streamlining effort by attending the meeting in person, or virtually by Zoom, or by telephone, per instructions that will be included with the agenda when released in February. Find the agenda online.

Or, sign up now for all HRB agendas and choose more Development Services Department agendas.

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