Celebrating 20 Years of Preservation Success
Revitalizing San Diego’s Warehouse District
January/February 2024
View down Seventh Avenue reveals historic buildings included in the district as well as new construction. Photo by Bruce Coons
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the robust rebirth of San Diego’s downtown Warehouse Thematic Historic District, also known as the Ballpark District. Due to the preservation of this neighborhood’s historic buildings and character, the area has become a thriving hub of culture, community, commerce, and entertainment.
This monumental achievement, which required the coordination and consideration by public agencies, the San Diego Padres organization, and preservation partners, illustrates the commitment and efforts of the passionate individuals and organizations involved in the district’s preservation and revitalization. Today, as expected and predicted, these nine walkable, formerly neglected blocks adjacent to Petco Park add up to a powerful economic driver for the city.
Changing urban dynamics had threatened to erase the district's rich architectural heritage and its significance as a century-old center of trade and industry. At the turn of the 21st century, the neighborhood showed signs of aging and disrepair, although a community of artists and longtime small businesses occupied many of its historic and older buildings. As in other cities undergoing redevelopment, these pioneers and stalwarts faced eminent demolition of their studios and warehouses.
Thanks to the determination of SOHO and other stakeholders, we were able to protect, preserve, and oversee the restoration and adaptive reuse of nine blocks of useful, attractive historic resources.
Nationally acclaimed preservation agreement
SOHO helped lead the negotiations that resulted in a nationally acclaimed public-private preservation agreement, complete with design guidelines that still govern the restoration and reuse of this historic cluster, and saved this vital part of San Diego history.
SOHO Executive Director Bruce Coons along with board members Maureen Steiner and David Swarens skillfully, persistently, and effectively worked with bureaucrats and ball club owners to envision and establish an authentic historic district. Our 2007 Reflections article on San Diego's Warehouse District (see link to this and other SOHO articles at the end of this story), explains the district’s historic significance, preservation efforts, and the SOHO leadership team’s strategy to achieve agreement on preservation solutions among the diverse parties.
SOHO’s 2004 article called “Home Run for Preservation” highlights aspects of the success that emerged from this great urban save. Buildings once on the brink of demolition were restored to their former glory; to this day they contribute to the district's industrial architectural heritage. These adaptively reused structures now house a mix of businesses, restaurants, and residential units. Along with Petco Park, the ballpark that incorporates the historic brick Western Metal Supply Company Building, the assorted attractions create a dynamic atmosphere that draws both locals and tourists alike.
Looking ahead
As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of this national model for preservation agreements, it is important to acknowledge the ongoing challenges that lie ahead. Preserving the historic integrity of the Warehouse District requires continued dedication, collaboration, and investment. By maintaining the momentum generated over the past two decades, we can ensure that future generations will be able to appreciate and enjoy this uniquely San Diego district.
The success of the Warehouse District's preservation efforts stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when a community rallies together with a shared vision. SOHO maintains this is what should be happening now with the downtown C Street California Theatre parcel. As with the transformation of the Warehouse District, SOHO is still dedicated to see the theater-office building’s restoration and reuse.
All it takes is a little vision.