Call for People in Preservation Nominations
January/February 2019
If you know of a person or a project demonstrating excellence in preservation, please take a few moments by 5pm on Friday, March 29 to complete a nomination form for the 2019 People In Preservation Awards. SOHO invites you to help recognize individuals, couples, agencies, and firms that are exemplary stewards of our heritage in its many forms, from restoration and adaptive reuse to original research for publication. The PIP awards are the most prestigious preservation accolades in the San Diego region. Winners are announced in May, National Preservation Month, a fitting time to celebrate and publicize those who are working hard to save and preserve our historic sites, buildings, and landscapes.
The deadline is Friday, March 29, 2019 at 5pm
Click HERE for a nomination form if you are a private owner or nonprofit.
Click HERE for a nomination form if you are a professional or commercial firm.