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Thank You for Supporting SOHO!
January 2017

We're grateful for your generous response to SOHO's recent requests for support.

Since SOHO filed a lawsuit on December 21, 2016 to block the irresponsible Balboa Park Paid Parking Project, your contributions to our Balboa Park Legal Defense Fund are already at work. This is the last chance to save the park from irreparable damage to its historic core and your essential donations are a major part of the solution!

We also thank the magnanimous donors to our annual End of Year appeal. These unrestricted funds are especially valuable because SOHO can use them where they are most needed. As you know, our priorities are the restoration of all the museums and sites we operate and ongoing countywide preservation advocacy and highly effective action. Your support means SOHO can continue the crucial work that enriches people's lives by protecting our heritage and making history and historic sites accessible to all.

Thank you for helping SOHO jump into 2017 with the resources we need for vigorous and far-reaching preservation action!

(Scroll to view all names).

Balboa Park Legal Defense Fund
Kristen Aliotti
Barbara Anderson
Joseph Annino
John Armstrong 3
Bonnie Horne & Jan Barnes
Barnes Family Trust
Larry & Cia Barron
Tina Barton, Thomas Barton & Thomas Barton II
Walter & Elena Bartzat
Larry Beaver
Carrie Beinert
Erin Matthews & Richard Bellows
Joyce Benintende
Steven D. Bertiz
Lyle Blackinton
Penelope Bledsoe
Joan Bockman
Linda Bonham
Joan Boyer
Harold "Mack" Brenner
Paula Stober & Willard Bucklen
James & Dori Cage
Susan Caldwell
David & Diane Canedo
Ina Cantrell
Cathy O'Leary Carey & John Carey
Robert & Patricia Case
John & Frances Castle
Vance & Mary Chan
Jennifer Cilch
Iris Clauss
John Terell & Kim Clinton
Diana Blanton & Jay Coffman
Kimble & Sherrye Cohn
Cecelia Conover
Ruth Contino
Diane Barlow Coombs
Anne Cooper
Bethel Dahl & Ruth Dahl
John & Jeannie Daley
Bruce Dammann
Margaret S. Davis
Davis Marketing
Juan de la Cruz
Kathleen Derzipilski
Jane Deyoe
William, Tammy, Marissa & Isabelle Dodds
Gaylyn Boone & James Dorcy
John Dunne
Diane Edge
Robert & Carol Emerick
Tina Fares
Terri Flannery
Patricia Burch, Michael Burch & Zoey Fleming
Susan Floyd
Dr. Gary B. Fogel
Jacque Lynn Foltyn
Bud & Barbara Fosdick
Janice Gerde
Michelle Gloria
Louis Goldich
Marcy Goldstone
Al Mazur & Rob Granat
Patricia Granger
Suzanne Grant
Roberta Green
Mary Harder
Christopher Haringer
Kristin Harms
Michael B. & Susan J. Harris
Anne C. Harvey
Janet O'Dea & Allen Hazard
Laura L. Henson
Marsha Hickey
Susan Hoekenga
Amy Hoffman
Maria Hoffman
Anne Hoiberg
Steve & Katherine Hon
Tina Houle
Barbara Angius & Kent A. Houser
Marjorie Howard-Jones
Laura Henson & Geoffery Hueter
Stephanie Jackel
Ed & Linda Janon
Bruce, Diane & Margaret Jaynes
Richard & Eleanor Jensen
Irma Jones
Sherrill Joseph
Bernadine King
Martha King
Rosemarie Kinninger
David & Cindy Krimmel
Donald & Linda Kripke
J. Spencer Lake
Dorothea Laub
Douglas & Sandra Lawrence
LB Powers & Son Co. Inc.
Vicki Granowitz & William Lees
Legacy 106, Inc.
Jeff & Sandé Lollis
Margaret McCann
Jessica McGee
Katherine McHenry
Roy McMakin
Eva Miller
Vytautas, Dana, Andrius & Rimas Mockus
Jon Monda
Lance Montgomery, Jennifer Eaves, Maxwell Montgomery & Abraham Montgomery
Teresa Morris
Mimi & Ernie Mortensen
Z. Shen, Perry Chen & Tom Mullaney
Joanne L. Nivison & Joel Mur
Troy Murphree
Michael Nabholz
Myrna Naegle
Maria Nagy
Lynn C. Naibert
Jay Neal
Bill & Eileen Neff
Bonnie Nickel
Steven Nossan
Helen & Jack Ofield
Melody L. Padget
Marcy Bolotin & Lawrence Paull
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Pechi
Lori Anne Peoples
Michael Pinto
Rosalind Hirst & Jay Powell
Frances Prichett
Carolyn Read
Lu Rehling
Gerald & Christa Reynolds
Don Ridgway
Mark A. Roeder
R. Jarvis Ross
James W. Royle, Jr.
Richard & Ann Ruppert
John & Bonnie Rush
Louise Russell
Diana Scheffler
Donald Schmidt
Mary Miller & Martin Schrenkeisen
Jerald Schuldies
Anne Schwartz
Stan & Laurel Schwartz
Linda Seifert
Sylvia Selverston
Betty Jo Shaieb
Shapery Enterprises
David & Anita Shaw
Laurie Shaw
Fern & Lee Siegel
Robert Zelmer & Fred L. Simson
Sally Smith
Steven, Steven, Mary & Jason Sparta
Marsi Steirer & Bill Speer
Dr. Gloria Sterling
Ione Stiegler
Les & Liz Stiel
Kevin Swanson
Melvin & Ellen Sweet
Beth Swersie
Judith Swink
Maureen Kirby & Joe Tatusko
Lorelei Taylor
Luke Terpstra
Michael & Jennifer Tillman
Anne Marie Tipton
Sharon Turner
Edwina Cisco & Margaret Tyler
Jim Van Meter
Christa Vragel
John & Marjorie Wahlsten
Susan D. Walter
Deborah S. Warriner
William Van Dusen Millworking
Rob & Anne Wlodarski

End of Year Campaign
Lucy Abernathy
Joyce Antorietto
Judy Ciampoli & Bryan Auerbach
Eleanor J. Bade
Walter & Elena Bartzat
Laurie Bianchi
Kevin & Joan Bockman
Linda Bonham
Harold "Mack" Brenner
Laurie Brindle
Galiah Bukszpan
Bob & Dhea Chaplin
Cheryl Clark
Diana Blanton & Jay Coffman
Jim & Diane Connelly
Bruce & Alana Coons
Jeannie McIntire, Jiwon Bhurtyal, Lorien Lehmer, Calea Cruz & Phoenix Cruz
Kathleen Derzipilski
Charles & Christie Dunning
Jean Fort
George & Lucy Franck
David Goldberg
Joe & Kim Grant
Barry & Hilary Hager
Grace Hanggi-Noe
Alexander & Edna Harper
Janet Harris
Philip & Kay Harry
Janet O'Dea & Allen Hazard
Ann Jarmusch
Vaughn & Judi Jeffery
Fran Jodka
Judith O'Boyle & Tim Johnston
Sonja Jones
James Justus
Charles Kaminski
John & Diane Kane
Deirdre Lee
Jeff & Sandé Lollis
Jerry Moreau & Mark LoPresti
Jaye MacAskill
Jessica McGee
Richard Melikian
Rosalyn Minett
Lael Montgomery
Kirsi Morelan
Z. Shen, Perry Chen & Tom Mullaney
Troy Murphree
James P. & Louise A. O'Neill
Mary Johnson & Mark Parisi
Dave & Rita Pinkerton
Thomas E. & Susan Polakiewicz
Carolyn Read
Jack & Irma Redfern
Mark A. Roeder
John & Bonnie Rush
Alex Sachs
Craig J. Salt
Susan Hector & Michael Sampson
San Diego Earth Day
James Marich & Scott Sandél
Richard M. & Karin H. Schag
Linda Seifert
Michael L. Sherman
Robert Zelmer & Fred L. Simson
Richard & Deanna Spehn
Jocelyn Steer
Vykki Mende Gray & David Swarens
Szekely Family Foundation
Union Architecture, Inc.
Deborah S. Warriner
Susan A. Mercure & Robert H. Watrous
Steve Weathers
Janet Widmer
Kerri Klein & Mark Wiesner
Nancy & Stewart Witt
Glenn Yarwood

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