Olivewood Women's Club
Currently boarded-up and threatened by impending demolition, the Olivewood Women's Club is one of only 27 sites recognized for having local significance on the City of National City's list of Identified Historic Sites. The original ca. 1908-1911 Arts & Crafts style clubhouse is associated with two of our regions most important pioneers, Warren C. and Flora M. Kimball, upon whose Olivewood property it was constructed. Although Mrs. Kimball passed away prior to its completion, it was built and dedicated in her honor and Mr. Kimball served on the club's original board of directors. Flora Kimball was a major figure of the late 19th century womans movement. Her eulogy was written by Susan B. Anthony. The Olivewood Club was a gift to the community, by Warren Kimball built in part to preserve his wife's legacy. The Woman's club was chartered to encourage the advancement of women in society by educating them on political issues and emphasizing the importance of their vote. The Club's progressive activities also included establishing the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), assisting the local Red Cross, and encouraging art and horticulture throughout the young city.
Although this wood building has suffered a later addition and neglect, it still retains much of its original structure and character. As a local landmark representing a notable aspect of the social development of National City and the lasting efforts of some of its early residents, the Olivewood Women's Club is an important historical resource that should be preserved and restored.
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