Edgemoor Hospital
Peaceful and park-like in the heart of Santee, Edgemoor has been listed as a Historic District on the California Register of Historical Resources since 1987. In addition to the individually-listed National Register Edgemoor Polo Barn, the site contains over twenty buildings dating to three distinct historical periods. The land was originally part of one of the first ranches in the El Cajon Valley.
In the 1910s, it was owned and operated as a world-renown dairy and polo pony farm by millionaire Walter Hamlin Dupee, a Chicago transplant to Coronado who is credited for having made a major contribution to the world-wide spread of polo, "sport of kings." The farm was purchased by the County in 1923 for use as a poor farm and home for the aged and indigent. Between 1923 and 1929, the Quayle Brothers - recognized San Diego Master Architects with buildings on the local, State and National Registers, were commissioned to design an inter-related complex of early Transitional Modern buildings to house and service the farm home "guests."
At the end of the Poor Farm era, Edgemoor transitioned into one of California's first publicly-funded geriatric medical facilities. Several Modern buildings constructed during the 1950s and 1960s period demonstrate the most up-to-date concepts in medical and rehabilitative care for their times. With the construction of a new Edgemoor Hospital currently underway nearby, however, the County plans to demolish the majority of buildings while ignoring the site's rich heritage, beautiful setting, and great potential as a valuable community resource in order to expand the Las Colinas women's detention facility into this largely residential area.
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