Marrón Adobe
Built in the 1840's by the Marron family, and still owned by direct descendants, this L-shaped structure is one of the last intact adobes in San Diego County. The property includes the Buena Vista Creek and El Salto Falls archaeological sites as well as the area's last stretch of natural open space, part of which is sensitive habitat. The site is threatened by a proposed interchange in the Oceanside/Carlsbad area off Freeway 78, an alignment that would impact the whole property. Now an additional threat has reared its head in the form of a shopping center and housing on the east side of the property enveloping the historic El Salto Falls. CalTrans and the Cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad need to consider an alternative alignment and respect this very special place, an important cultural landscape setting and a rare surviving example of early-stage adobe ranch house construction.
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