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Strength in Numbers

SOHO thanks the generous contributors of new and renewing members. (Scroll to view all names).

Al Alferos
Charley Bast
Anthony Block
Bob Broms
Diane & David Canedo
Diane & Jim Connelly
Bruce & Alana Coons
Elizabeth Courtier
Alice & Doug Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. D. Dickinson
M. Wayne Donaldson, FAIA
Nicholas Fintzelberg
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Nada & Cathy Grigsby
Erik Hanson & Ingrid Helton
Peter Janopaul, III
Mary Joralmon
Kathleen & Jim Kelley-Markham
Suzanne & Bill Lawrence
Carol Lindemulder
Joe & Linda Marrone
David Marshall
Miles Parker
Thomas J. Pollock
Theresa & Larry Pyle
Pat Schaelchlin
James & Nancy Schibanoff
Sue K. Skala, AIA
John & Debbie Stall
Dr. Raymond Starr
Michael Sullivan
David Swarens
Neil Swenson
Marc Tarasuck, AIA
Robin Webster
Mark Wiesner & Kerri Klein
Barry Worthington

Hon. David Merriam
Bruce & Grace Wilson

Diane & John Kane
Marie Burke Lia
Robert Mosher

Individual or Family
Christine & Brady Babcock
Bob & Dina Balfour
Joan Bigge
Charlotte Cagan
Linda Canada
Blair Carlan
Sharon Crockett
Joseph & Sandra Elder
Bob Feldman
Archie & Joan Freitas
Dean Glass
Carolyn & Luke Goodrich
Fred & Julie Grand
Kris Griffin
Reuel Olin & Bob Grinchuk
Sharon Hall
Lynn & Michelle Hamilton
Eileen & So Hancox
Harold Hanks
Michael & Myra Herrmann
Mary, Robert & Harmony Jones
Julie Kolb
Fritz & Klonie Kunzel
Autumn Acker & Jason Kurnow
Buddie Leib
Steve & Hanna Leiserson
Sand�, Jeff & Lena Lollis
Maureen McLellan
Bibi Medina
Don Merrill
Betsy Meyers
Patricia L. Moore
Casey O'Hanlon
Helen & Jack Oldfield
Mary Johnson & Mark Parisi
Jennifer Patrick
George Plum
Janet Richards
Jacqueline & Harry Ridge
Tom Roetker
D. Lee & Barbara Roper
Victor Santana
Valorie Seyfert
Diana Shurtleff &
Jacqueline Simon
Steve & Terri Skwarlo
Deborah & Scott Spindler
Robin Sweeton
Charles & Rae Symonds
Debra Weiner & Paul Symczak
Jokie Tolentino
Michelle Trudell
Lisa Vella
Louis Vener
Richard & Alberta Waggoner
Nancy & Stewart Witt
Julie & Micah Wolfe
Chris Wray
Frank Wronski
Joellyn & Ron Zollman

New Members
Teresa & John Fistere
Ian Edward Lynch
Martin D. Rosen
Individual or Family
Anderson Family
Johnny Avechueo
Mark Bihm
Alex Crow
Patricia S. Fry
Marian Ganter
Antoinette & Terrence Goodbody
Cassi Hanshaw
Cassie Hibbert
Rena Holford
Michael Howland
Bret & Lori Hulitt
Princess Jones
Reta & Paul Kress
Marion Mallen
Linda Matlock
Metal Creations
Ann Senterfitt
Sill Family
Heather Sullivan
Steve & Renee Tietsworth
Humberto Villegas
Scott Weselis
Tracy Wilborn
David F. Willoughby

2005 - Volume 36, Issue 1


Preservation Wins and Winners

Happy New Year!

The Ranch House at Warner's

Progress Report on Red Roost/Red Rest

Balboa Theatre

SOHO Files Suit in Del Mar to Stop Demolition

2004 Historical Landmarks

Mission Hills Heritage

SOHO would like to extend appreciation

In Memoriam

Adobe Chapel of the Immaculate Conception

Our Wish List for the Adobe Chapel

Thank You's

Adobe Chapel Welcomes the Old Town Community

An Exciting Opportunity for Volunteers

Bringing History Alive at the Whaley House

Who is the Chinese Gardener at the Whaley House?

Cheap San Diego Housing

Resource Directory (33-page pdf)

Four Treatment Approaches

Yeah, yeah, yeah - Modernism Rocks!

Some Like It Preserved

People In Preservation

Getting to Know Your SOHO Staff

Houses Available, Must be Moved

Notice: Date Moved for SOHO Board Directors Meetings

Notice to all Members with email

Found San Diego

Strength in Numbers

Lost San Diego

DOWNLOAD full magazine as pdf (4.3mb)

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