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Vonn Marie May

February 8, 2015

Lecture at the San Diego Women's Club · 2557 Third Avenue
$15 (100 guests max)

Balboa Park walking tour
$15 (20 guests max)

A Celebration of Landscape Design
and Botanical Promotion

Agriculture, floriculture and horticulture all came together at the 1915 Panama California Exposition. The Botanical Building, as envisioned by floriculturist A. D. Robinson, designed by Carleton Winslow, was the central feature of the "Garden Fair." An extensive showcase of exotic horticulture, agricultural exhibits and displays of "floral wealth" came from the combined efforts of landscape architect Paul Thiene, and Parks Superintendent John Morley, which signaled the future of botanical commerce in San Diego.

Vonn Marie is a landscape historian and cultural landscape specialist with over 20 years of project experience. Her advocacy and rigor reflects her historic preservation and legal research background. Embracing the use of historic values in planning and design she has authored several successful National Register nominations, which include historical landscapes and settings. Vonn Marie has been recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects, American Planning Association, American Institute of Architects, California Preservation Foundation and the California State Governor's Award Program for her project work in historic preservation and cultural landscapes.

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