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Save the Date: Saturday, June 7 for The Fashion to a Tea Show
By Bobbie Bagel
March/April 2020

SOHO cordially invites you to a tea party and fashion show on Sunday, June 7 in the formal garden at the historic Marston House Museum from 1-3pm.

We will spend a charming afternoon enjoying a formal, three-course tea, featuring the Marston's Tea Room's famous coconut cream pie, made from the original recipe. Delicious finger sandwiches, scones, and pastries will also be served.

The Fashion to a Tea show will highlight the flirty and flowing designs of the turbulent 1920s, when dramatically changing styles reflected significant advances in women's lives. Since we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment in 2020, we'll pay special homage to the suffragists of the day.

Cat Frasier, a vintage fashion stylist and accomplished dressmaker, is the show's curator, while Diana Cavagnaro will narrate. She is a renowned couture milliner and fashion columnist for the San Diego Downtown News and La Jolla Village News.

This special event continues the fine, century-old Marston family tradition of holding fundraising events in the tranquil atmosphere of the estate's beautiful historic gardens. SOHO is the beneficiary in this case.

So please join us. Make your reservation today. Seating is limited and tickets, $55 per person, are only available in advance.

We welcome 1920s period dress and hats, if you desire.

Buy tickets HERE online, at the Marston House, or call (619) 297-9327.

For your convenience, we suggest using Uber and Lyft for this event at 3525 Seventh Avenue.













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