Our Sincere Thanks!
January/February 2021
All of us at SOHO are deeply grateful to the many members and friends who contributed to our 2020 Year-End Campaign. Your support is always appreciated, but it is absolutely crucial during these months—going on a year—when pandemic restrictions have closed all of our historic sites.
Admission and tour fees, a formerly reliable source of income, will return one day, but until then SOHO must preserve, maintain, and monitor these resources with professional staffing. Your contribution has an incredible impact right now as we respond to COVID-19.
You are helping provide care and maintenance to the historic buildings and sites under our stewardship, along with educational programming. Of course, our daily advocacy work never wanes, and in these unusual times you are helping to keep nine skilled staff members employed.
We look forward to seeing you in person again as soon as possible, and wish you and yours happiness and good health in the new year.